Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ralf Lee & New York

Путеводитель по Хеллоуину-2010 в Нью Йорке. Часть первая. Тыквы, парады и собачки-хризантемы.

27 Октября, 2010, Наташа Шарымова
Не знаю, как вы собираетесь отмечать Хеллоуин: отправитесь ли на вечеринку в соседний бар,  посетите ли "дом ужасов" в районе Деленси или пройдетесь в костюме Карабаса-Буратино по улицам Виллиджа - неважно. Хеллоуин - событие, пропустить которое нельзя никак.
Хеллоуин -  это квинтэссенция нашей, нью-йоркской жизни, свободной и полной каких-то разнообразных, неявных устремлений.  Даже, когда мне приходилось с 9-ти и до 5-ти сидеть в офисном "кубике", ничто в октябре не могло помешать моим мечтам и художественным экспериментам над собой. Я шила себе наряд, разрисовывала  физиономию и в ночь с 31 октября на 1 ноября отправлялась с друзьями-приятелями бродить по улицам или танцевать то в одном клубе, то - в другом. Хеллоуин - 2010 - не исключение, я интенсивно готовлюсь.
Меня всегда поражала и продолжает поражать творческая энергия жителей Нью-Йорка. Их фантазия беспредельна... Частенько образы, костюмы и маски, придуманные к Хеллоуину какими-то рядовыми гражданами и увиденными мной на параде, через месяц или два оказывались в "ящике" в виде рекламного ролика. Рекламщики - народ ответственный, держат руку на пульсе, а Хеллоуин - истинно народной  гуляние, спонтанное и искреннее. Тут и проявляются наши американские таланты.
Все местные газеты, журналы, сайты и социальные сети заполнены информацией о том, что будет происходить в Большом яблоке в День поминовения усопших, накануне этого дня и после. Развлечений так много, они такие разные, что становиться ясно - дома сидеть ни-ни, надо рвануть в Манхэттен, и, возможно, обзавестись  впечатлениями на всю жизнь.
Ральф Ли
Трейд-марк нью-йоркского Хеллоуина - Village Halloween Parade. Когда-то я познакомилась с его основателем, режиссером и кукольником Ральфом Ли, моим соседом по дому. Внешность у Ральфа Ли благородная, волосы белоснежные, глаза лучистые, речь мягкая и спокойная.
- Как  все это началось? - спросила я у него.
- Случайно. Я всегда делал куклы. Иногда - гигантские. У меня в мастерской собралось их штук сорок. Раз кто-то  в 1973 году предложил соединить их, устроить процессию. Первый парад смотрели только жители окрестных домов. Мы прошли отсюда, от  угла Бетюн и Вашингтон-стрит до Вашингтон -сквера. Каждый год зрителей становилось все больше. Когда их число достигло ста тысяч, я  ушел.
Ральф Ли
Ральф Ли (справа). Фото с сайта

Полиция говорит, что в этом году смотреть шествие придет два миллиона человек.
Ральф не знает, будет ли он среди зрителей. Cо своей театральной труппой Mettawee River Theater Company он собирается 29 октября в 7 pm и в 10 pm устроить праздник фантастических призраков и духов - Ghouls&Gosts - в The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine (1047 Amsterdam Ave at 112 St) и для интеллектуалов - демонстрацию немого фильма "Кабинет доктора Калигари"(1921).  Цена билета - $20, нервных и впечатлительных режиссер просит захватить валерьянку и нюхательную соль.   Таков Ральф Ли, отказавшийся от места в свете прожекторов и стандартов успеха.
День тыквы
Весь октябрь город Нью-Йорк бредит Хеллоуином. Взгляните на витрины и рекламные щиты. Кое-кто даже направляется в "ап-стейт" за тыквами. Фермы: Schuyler Farms, Long Acre Farms, Bellinger's Orchard, Sage Creek Orchards специализируются на их выращивании. Адреса этих ферм легко найти в Интернете.
А вот, что  можно сделать с этими тыквами - посмотрите здесь -  Pumpkin Decorating 
Или здесь - Кроме того, 29 октября в 7 pm в баре Sidebar (118 E 15th St at Irving Place, 212-677-2900) состоится мастер- класс Pumpkin Carving. За $30.00 долларов вам выдадут тыкву, инструменты и обучат всяким тонкостям.  Билеты -
В субботу 30 октября в Центральном парке пройдет ежегодный городской День тыквы -  Pumpkin Festival. В "доме ужасов"  на лужайке парка - Circus Berzerkus Haunted House - можно будет пощекотать нервы, а конкурс "страшного" дизайна примут участие известные художники. Зрителям предложат выступление театра марионеток Parks Puppet Mobile и Big Apple Circus. Central Park, Bandshell Area. Вход - 72nd Street. 12pm-5pm.
Братья наши меньшие
Однако, хватит о бренном.  Пора подумать о душе, о ближнем и дальнем. Важное  и заметное светское мероприятие на эти темы состоится 27 октября в 7 pm. 10th Annual Howloween Pet Costume Party! District 36 (29 West 36th Street). Благотворительный вечер Humane Society of New York. Придумайте своему питомцу "прикид", хватайте его под мышку и - вперед. $50.00  будут вам пропуском в самую крутую манхэттеновскую тусовку с благородными целями - помочь и защитить братьев наших меньших.  В программе - конкурс на лучший костюм. Все очень серьезно - в прошлом году приз получила собачка породы "шитцу" (собачка-хризантема, любимица китайских императоров),  одетая Клеопатрой. Шутки в сторону - Humane Society каждый год помогает 300 000 четвероногим.
Открыто для всех!
Основная тема парада этого года - изречение "Memento Mori"(лат.) - Помни  о смерти! В параде будут принимать участие гигантские фигуры, которые когда-то реально стояли у истоков этого начинания и изображали мертвяков. Второй слоган парада: "Vita Brevis Ars Longa"(лат.) - Жизнь коротка, искусство вечно.  Как он проявится - пока непонятно. Посмотрю, тогда, может быть, пойму.
Руководит парадом живописец DIDIER CIVI (Гаити). Он - автор удивительных, роскошных карнавальных костюмов и масок. Вечером в клубе Gede состоится благотворительный вечер в пользу гаитянской детской художественной школы, которая была разрушена во время землетрясения.
Парад 2010 начинается в районе Broome Street и 6-й авеню, далее двигается вверх и заканчивается у 15-й улицы. Подходы и подъезды будут перекрыты. Если собираетесь сюда, необходимо проверить, какие станции сабвея будут работать, а какие закроют.
Конечно, каждая семья должна решить, идет ли она на парад с детьми, или отправляется с отпрысками собирать конфетки по предприятиям мелкого бизнеса и соседним домам. Этот  парад не предназначен для малышей: не исключено, что на участниках будут одеты костюмы совсем не предназначенные для чистых детских глаз и душ. Решайте сами. Кроме того, два миллиона...  В прошлом году на 14-й улице была такая давка, что наше семейство предпочло переждать "час пик" в венесуэльском ресторане, где нас потчевали изумительным супом из тыквы с белым вином и сливками.
В шествии участвуют 53 оркестра, танцоры и театральные труппы. В принципе любой может одеть костюм, примкнуть к процессии и пройтись гоголем от Сохо в ап-таун.

Благотворительная экскурсия «Иосиф Бродский и Гриныч-Виллидж».

                                                          By Lena Kuznetsova, Art Studio 5005

29 сентября, 12.00.
Благотворительная экскурсия «Иосиф Бродский и Гриныч-Виллидж».
Регистрация: 347-450-7583,
Место встречи- северо-восточный угол 3-й улицы и Шестой авеню
Гид: журналист и промоутер Наташа Шарымова
Цена: $ 20.00
Проезд: Поезда A, C, E, D, B, чтобы West 4th Street и 1, 2, 3 до 14th Street

Этот тур можно заказать индивидуально по-английски. Тур "Иосиф Бродский в Нью-Йорке" (на русском и на английском языках) можно заказать индивидуально (прибавляется оплата за транспорт).

Деньги, вырученные от мероприятий, идут в Фонда создания Литературного музея Иосифа Бродского.

Walking Tour “Joseph Brodsky and Greenwich Village” (in Russian)
When: Saturday, September 29, 12 noon - ?
Where: Northeast corner of the 3rd Street & Sixth Avenue
Leader: journalist & promoter Natasha Sharymova
Price: $20.00
Directions: Trains A, C, E, D, B to West 4th Street and 1, 2, 3 to 14th Street
All proceeds will benefit the Public Foundation for Creating the Joseph Brodsky Museum in St. Petersburg
This tour is also available individually in English. The tour “Joseph Brodsky in New York” (in Russian and in English) is available individually.
Соntact: 347-450-7583,

+1 (347)-450-7583, Natasha Sharymova

Friday, September 21, 2012

Три дня с Иосифом Бродским. Экскурсии и ужин.




Новости Фонда

«Лучшее время жизни» - позади. Три дня с Иосифом Бродским. Сентябрь 2012

«Три дня...» отмечают дату возвращения Нобелевского лауреата поэта Иосифа Бродского из архангельской ссылки — 24 сентября 1965 года.

Напомним, что 4 сентября Верховный Совет СССР постановил сократить срок ссылки до фактически отбытого и разрешил поэту вернуться в Ленинград. Постановление пришло в Норенскую только 23 сентября, и уже 24 Бродский был в Москве. Сам поэт говорил, что время, проведенное в деревне Норенская, чуть ли не лучшее в его жизни.

Деньги, вырученные от мероприятий, идут в Фонда создания Литературного музея Иосифа Бродского.

21 сентября, 19.00
Благотворительный ужин в кафе «Третье место».
Гостей мероприятия ждёт встреча с Яковом Аркадьевичем Гординым, редактором журнала «Звезда» и давнишним другом Бродского, навещавшим поэта в ссылке. Также в программе вечера — показ фотографий, сделанных друзьями Бродского в деревне Норенская, где с апреля 1964  «поэт-тунеядец» отбывал трудовое наказание, рассказ о новостях Фонда и торжественный ужин. Кафе «Третье место», ул. Марата, д 57.

22 сентября, 13.00
Пешеходная экскурсия «Прогулки с Бродским».
Пешеходная экскурсия начинается у ворот Спасо-Преображенского собора. Александр Левашов, филолог и поклонник творчества Бродского, расскажет о его жизни в Санкт-Петербурге, проведёт по ключевым местам, связанным с его именем.

23 сентября, 15.00
Последняя этом сезоне водная экскурсия «Город неисцелимых».
Экскурсанты увидят привычные городские пейзажи в нетривиальном ракурсе. Двухчасовая поездка по рекам и каналам сопровождается чтением стихов Бродского в исполнении актёра Павла Михайлова. Экскурсия начинается у причала на углу наб. Робеспьера и Потёмкинской ул.

29 сентября, 12.00. ВПЕРВЫЕ.  Экскурсия «Иосиф Бродский и Гриныч-Виллидж» (по-русски)
Регистрация: 347-450-7583,
Место встречи- северо-восточный угол 3-й улицы и Шестой авеню
Гид: журналист и промоутер Наташа Шарымова
Цена: $ 20.00
Проезд: Поезда A, C, E, D, B, чтобы West 4th Street и 1, 2, 3 до 14th Street

Этот тур можно заказать индивидуально по-английски. Тур "Иосиф Бродский в Нью-Йорке" (на русском и на английском языках) можно заказать индивидуально. Прибавляется оплата за транспорт.

Walking Tour “Joseph Brodsky and Greenwich Village” (in Russian)
When: Saturday, September 29, 12 noon - ?
Where: Northeast corner of the 3rd Street & Sixth Avenue
Leader: journalist & promoter Natasha Sharymova
Price: $20.00
Directions: Trains A, C, E, D, B to West 4th Street and 1, 2, 3 to 14th Street
All proceeds will benefit the Public Foundation for Creating the Joseph Brodsky Museum in St. Petersburg
This tour is also available individually in English. The tour “Joseph Brodsky in New York” (in Russian and in English) is available individually.
Соntact: 347-450-7583,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pussy Riot art exhibit disrupted by protest

                                           Pussy Riot art exhibit disrupted by protest

Men dressed in Cossack uniforms stand outside the Vinzavod art gallery as they try to block the entrance at the opening of an exhibition in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012. A protest by about 15 Russian Orthodox Christian activists has disrupted the opening of a Moscow art exhibit inspired by the jailed members of the punk band Pussy Riot. Riot police dispersed the protesters, detaining nine of them, but then blocked off the area, making it difficult for those who wanted to attend Thursday’s opening to get inside. The paintings by Yevgenia Maltseva were inspired by religious icons and the three Pussy Riot members who were jailed for a raucous performance inside a Moscow cathedral to protest Vladimir Putin’s rule and his close relationship with the church hierarchy. AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko. MOSCOW (AP).- A protest by about 15 Russian Orthodox Christian activists has disrupted the opening of a Moscow art exhibit inspired by the jailed members of the punk band Pussy Riot. The activists, some dressed in Cossack uniforms, tried to block the entrance to the Gelman Gallery. Riot police dispersed the protesters, detaining nine of them, but then blocked off the area, making it difficult for those who wanted to attend Thursday's opening to get inside. The paintings by Yevgenia Maltseva were inspired by religious icons and the three Pussy Riot members who were jailed for a raucous performance inside a Moscow cathedral to protest Vladimir Putin's rule and his close relationship with the church hierarchy. Their imprisonment has highlighted Putin's crackdown on dissent since returning to the presidency in May. Copyright 2012 The Associated Press

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FREE NEW YORK September 21 - 27

FREE NEW YORK September 21 - 27


Film. Israeli Documentary: Dani Menkin & Yonatan Nir's Dolphin Boy (2011)/ JCC in Manhattan
334 Amsterdam Ave., @ 76th St. 1-646-505-4444/ 10:00AM
After being brutally tortured by his classmates, Morad, a teenage boy from an Israeli Arab village, suffers from severe post-traumatic shock and has disconnected himself from the world around him. In a last effort to save his son, Morad's father leaves his job and family and brings Morad to the Red Sea to try dolphin therapy. This documentary is the tale of a parent's patient and tender love and the friendship between a teenager and the group of dolphins who helped him heal. 72 min.
Other. Tickets required. Tatzu Nishi: Discovering Columbus: Visit the Famous Statue Up Close and 70 Feet in the Air, Columbus Circle, Intersection of Eighth Ave., Broadway & W. 59th St. Ticket info: 1-212-223-7800. 10:00AM to 9:00PM.
This major new artwork has been created by the Japanese artist Tatzu Nishi. The work places the 13-foot-tall statue of Columbus in the center of an American living room six stories above the city streets, recontextualizing the historical monument and temporarily transforming it into a contemporary artwork. The room will feature many of the trappings of a domestic living room—lamps, a couch, a coffee table, a television, and more—as well as custom wallpaper by the artist. Through large, loft-style windows, visitors will have dramatic views of Central Park and Midtown Manhattan that will be seen from Columbus’s perspective for the first time.
Pass holders are asked to climb six flights of stairs to a height of 70 feet above street level and to descend by a second set of stairs. Flat, rubber-soled shoes are strongly recommended. This exhibition is ADA accessible. If a visitor requires the use of a mobility device (e.g. wheelchair, crutches, or a cane) or has a condition that prevents him or her from using the stairs, a hoist is available. Visitors under 13 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Those between the ages of 13 and 18 may visit without an adult, however a parent or guardian must obtain a pass for them. Given the physical demands of visiting the exhibition, it is not recommended for children under the age of 5. Strollers are not permitted.
Wave Hill's Annual Plant Sale
Friday—Sunday, September 21—23
Photo: Benjamin Swett
Visit The Shop for Wave Hill's annual Plant Sale, just in time for the fall planting season! Choose from tried and true perennials, rare and unusual plants, or take a piece of Wave Hill home with a special plant that was propagated onsite. Staff gardeners will be available to educate and assist with purchases. As a special thank-you, onsite parking is free when you spend $40 or more in The Shop.

On Friday, September 21 and Saturday, September 22 at 11AM, join Assistant Director of Public Programs
Laurel Rimmer to learn about best bets at the plant sale, highlighting rare plants, superior cultivars and top-notch performers for your home garden.

Early Closing:
Wave Hill closes at 2PM on Thursday, September 20, to dress up for the annual Gardeners' Party.

Concert. Bach at Noon. Grace Church. 802 Broadway, at E. 11th St. 1-212-254-2000/ 12:20PM to 12:50PM.This Organ Meditations Series features the keyboard works of Johann Sebastian Bach.
Jazz. Dan Manjovi, Award-Winning Pianist. Bryant Park, Upper Terrace, Sixth Ave. & 42nd St.
1-212-768-4242. 12:30PM.
Dan Manjovi is an award-winning musician and composer, and a New York favorite. His song Somethin's Comin' My Way is featured in the film and soundtrack to the 2009 Oscar-award winning Lionsgate film Precious. As a solo artist singer/songwriter he has released two solo albums, Dan Manjovi (2005), and Woke Up This Morning (2008).
Performance. David Levine's Habit, a Durational Performance Installation. Essex Street Market: Building B, 130 Essex St., @ Rivington St. 1-212-477-5829. 1:00PM to 9:00PM.
Habit is a durational performance installation created by provocateur David Levine, with a commissioned script by playwright Jason Grote (NBC’s Smash) and environment by Marsha Ginsberg. Within a four-walled, fully furnished and functional American ranch house (stocked refrigerator, working stove, plumbing, running water), three actors perform a 90-minute drama on a continuous loop for eight hours a day. Although the language never changes, they improvise the staging to suit their needs—when they’re hungry, they cook; when they’re dirty, they wash.
Spectators will circulate around the outside of the house, observing the action through the open windows and doors. A play contained within a sculpture, Habit fuses conventional theater, reality TV, and visual arts performance, short-circuiting our assumptions about spectatorship, performance, routine, and realism.
Performance. RSVP required. Messages for World Peace Featuring the Inamori Art Project Group
Church of the Holy Family, United Nations Parish/ 315 E. 47th St., Dag Hammerskjold Plaza bet. First & Second Aves. RSVP 1-212-926-2550/ 6:30PM
Commemorate the International Day of Peace 2012 with an event highlighting the devastating impact of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Inamori Art Project Group has brought us a play of beauty with musical performances and dance to inspire and entertain.
Concert. Free; reservations recommended. Talea Ensemble opens the season with 3 US premieres
Czech Center New York. 321 E. 73rd St., bet. First & Second Aves. Reservations 1-646-422-3399. 8:00PM.
Talea Ensemble opens its 2012-2013 Season with free concert. features US premieres by James Dillon, Pierluigi Billone and Ondrej Adamek.
The program features the US premiere of three works: James Dillon's New York Triptych, Pierluigi Billone's Dike Wall and Ondrej Adamek's Ca tourne ca bloque. This summer, Talea Ensemble performed the world premiere of New York Triptych and Dike Wall at the renowned Darmstadt International Music Institute in Germany.
Free; pay what you will; reservations required.  Song of a Convalescent Ayn Rand Giving Thanks to the Godhead (in the Lydian Mode), a New Stage Comedy. IRT Theater, 154 Christopher St., #3B. Ticket info 1-800-838-3006. 8:00PM.
With Ayn Rand in the headlines this week thanks to Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, a new stage comedy premiering next month will put a fresh and funny spotlight on the right-wing diva. From the provocateurs who won acclaim with The Ted Haggard Monologues and the Wall Street satire Righteous Money - longtime collaborators Michael Crowley and Michael Rau.
Concert. Alumna Recital - Yael Weiss, piano. New School, Mannes College of Music, 150 W. 85th St., bet. Columbus & Amsterdam Aves. 1-212-580-0210 x4817. 8:00PM.

Fair. 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Health Fair & Carnival, an Exciting Day of Fitness and Well-Being Treatments
Waterside Plaza, Outside on 30 Waterside Plaza. 1-212-340-4225
Landscaped gardens and waterfront views provide an inspiring backdrop for a day of well-being and fitness, including ree fitness evaluations, blood pressure and body fat calculations, posture analysis, and stress tests. Enjoy free well-being treatments such as chair massage, aromatherapy, and meditation.
Wear workout gear and try free demo fitness classes in Zumba at 12:30PM and Electro Yoga at 1:30PM. Bring the kids for a fun day of carnival games like balloon toss and hula hoop contests kicked off by a 10AM Jump Fitness class, created just for kids, to spark their enthusiasm for fitness and healthy living. Everything is free - admission, health screenings, well-being treatments, participation in fitness classes and all kids' activities.
10:00AM to 5:00PM
Outdoor Art Show
Carl Schurz Park
, East End Ave. & 87th St.
1-212-459-4455. Visit the City's premiere open-air juried Art Show, now celebrating its 40th year!

10:00AM to 5:00PM
Kayaking on the Hudson
Riverside Park
, Hudson Meeting Point @ 72nd St.
Call 311 for more info
Join 20-minute instructional paddles, and explore the Hudson River first-hand. Please wear a bathing suit or shorts and a t-shirt, and know how to swim. Weather permitting. Kayaks and life vests provided.

“A Road Once Traveled” Tour
Meet at the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center, inside Central Park at 110th St. between Fifth & Lenox aves
Holding the Park's northern highlands was key in the American Revolution and the War of 1812 because armies could see their enemies approach as they sailed down the East River. History buffs will love this tour.

Yoga with Deepti
Mulberry Street Library
10 Jersey St.
This yoga series is ideal for anyone new to yoga and interested in its benefits, this beginner level Yoga class will help you build strength, increase flexibility, and find focus. This class is moderately paced so you will learn the fundamental Yoga postures and principles that create a successful and effective yoga practice. Please bring a towel or yoga mat to class.

City Walk
Manhattan Statues & Outdoor Monuments Walk
Meet at Time-Warner Building (Columbus Circle, 59th Street and Broadway) exit at 59th St & Broadway, No. 1 subway
, Leader: Tom McBreen 1-516-238-8073 day of walk
Upper West Side area (59th St to 120th St). Moderate walking, some hills, about 4-5 hours. Walk up Broadway to Lincoln Center over to Riverside Drive and up the Hudson River. Go up through Columbia University to Grant’s Tomb. Bring lunch, water, binoculars/camera. Heavy rain cancels.

1:00PM to 5:00PM
The FAB! Festival
E. 4th St.
, bet. Bowery & Second Ave.
An annual celebration of Lower East Side arts & culture. FREE live entertainment on multiple outdoor stages, as well as inside the intimate theaters, will showcase what was recently dubbed "the new Broadway of New York City." Featuring performances of dance, theater, music, art installations, local artisans & gourmet food vendors, workshops, and hands-on-activities for all ages, the FAB! Festival presents new and exciting experiences for residents and visitors.

Silent Clowns Film Series
Library for the Performing Arts
40 Lincoln Center Plaza
With: STEAMBOAT BILL, JR. (Directed by Charles F. Reisner, 1928) with Buster Keaton
JUST A HUSBAND (Directed by Harry Sweet, 1927) with Arthur Housman

Blues: Rory Block / Heritage Blues Trio
Madison Square Park
, Madison Ave. & E. 23rd St.
Rory Block comes to the stage with more than twenty highly acclaimed releases under her belt and five Blues Music Awards. Block has staked her claim to be one of America’s top acoustic blues women, an interpreter of the great Delta blues singers, a slide guitarist par excellence, and also a talented songwriter on her own account.
Heritage Blues Trio is an inspiring testament to the enduring power, possibilities and boundless beauty of African-American music. Junior Mack is a self-taught and gifted vocalist and guitarist; Bill Sims Jr. a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist and an internationally respected master of blues; and sister Chaney Sims has a voice steeped in field hollers, work songs, spirituals, blues, soul and R&B.

Jason and the Argonauts, Performed by the Faux-Real Theatre Company
Morris-Jumel Mansion
65 Jumel Terrace, bet. 160th & 162nd Sts., just east of St. Nicholas Ave.
With the goal of making classical theater dynamic, relevant and just plain fun, the Faux-Real Theatre Company presents a Greek classic.

Saturday Afternoon Organ Meditation
Grace Church
802 Broadway, at E. 11th St.
The program features the great repertoire of the Organ on the 101 rank Pipe Organ built by Herman Schlicker and the 5 stop chamber organ built by Taylor & Boody Organ Builders.

Dance Performance
Dance Safari!
Riverside Park
, meet at the 72nd st. entrance
Come explore the park and search out 5 site-specific modern dance pieces choreographed for the park's guided Dance Safari walk. Wear comfortable shoes.

$15 suggested donation; reservations recommended 
New York Piano Society in Concert
Baruch Performing Arts Center
, 25th St. bet. Third & Lexington Aves.
Reservations 1-646-418-0579
Featuring outstanding concert performers of the New York Piano Society whose primary professions lie in areas other than music.

Malý velký svět (Small Big World): A Concert Beyond Borders
Czech Center New York
321 E. 73rd St., bet. First & Second Aves.
A concert in connection with the exhibition Orbis Pictus - Play Well.

GROOVE BUFFET: Classic R&B, Motown & Soul Revue

, 8:00PM
GROOVE BUFFET: Classic R&B, Motown & Soul Revue
GROOVE BUFFET: Classic R&B, Motown & Soul Revue
Groove Buffet band plays homage to soul legends, the likes of Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, Al Green, Gladys Knight, Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Tina Turner, Wilson Pickett, and many more.  $10 min per person at tables.

B.B. King Blues Club
237 West 42 St  

NYC Marathon Walk
Meet at Fort Hamilton Memorial Triangle, bounded by 4th Ave., 5th Ave. and 94th St. in Brooklyn.
, Leader: Steve Goffner 1-718-275-6615
Brisk walkers only. Will walk most of the Marathon route, starting at 94th St. and 4th Ave., Brooklyn and ending outside of Tavern on the Green in Central Park, Manhattan, including 4 boroughs and 4 bridges. Total distance is not quite 24 miles but there are countless drop-off points. There may also be an optional “off-marathon” extension of the walk. Bring water and lunch (or will stop to buy). Bad weather cancels.

City Walk
Sunday, Sep 23
                Historic Orchard Street Tour
Meet in front of Katz’s Delicatessen, E. Houston & Ludlow Sts.
, 1-212-226-9010
Take a historical three-hour journey through the Lower East Side and explore some of the rich history tracing the arrival of immigrants to modern times.

Sunday, Sep 23
Works for Piano, Clarinet and Xylophone by Saint-Saëns, Liszt and Beethoven
New School, Mannes College of Music
150 W. 85th St., bet. Columbus & Amsterdam Aves.
1-212-580-0210 x4817
Beethoven (arr. E. Finkel): Five Variations on “Rule Britannia” WoO 79
Weber: Grand Duo Concertante, Op. 48
Finkel: Potpourri Suite
Saint-Saëns: Sonata No. 1 in d minor, Op. 75
Liszt (arr. E. Finkel): Hungarian Fantasy
Alumni Recital - Elliot Finkel, piano; Ian Finkel, xylophone; and Joseph Rutkowski, clarinet.

Free; RSVP required 
Artist Kabir Carter presents workshops and an installation
Governors Island
, Building 110: LMCC's Arts Center
RSVP 1-212-219-9401
After meeting at Building 110: LMCC's Arts Center on Governors Island, participants will be led to Yankee Pier where they will listen to sounds traveling in the air and water enveloping Governors Island. Hydrophones will be used to hear acoustic events within Buttermilk Channel. The channel is a strait, and changes in the channel’s salinity and temperature alter sound’s behavior. Through focused listening, an underwater soundscape will be revealed.

Sunday, Sep 23
Tim Burton's Oscar-Nominated Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005): Prepare for a Stomach Ache
Mid-Manhattan Library
455 Fifth Ave., at 40th St.
Stars Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore and David Kelly.
A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.
115 min.

Sunday, Sep 23
Sunday Afternoon Organ Meditation
Grace Church
802 Broadway, at E. 11th St.
The program features the great repertoire of the Organ on the 101 rank Pipe Organ built by Herman Schlicker and the 5 stop chamber organ built by Taylor & Boody Organ Builders.

 The Brooklyn Book Festival features literary-themed events taking place in clubs, parks, bookstores, theatres and libraries, culminating with the festival on Sunday, 9/23. Authors scheduled to appear include Kurt Andersen, Paul Auster, Mary Higgins Clark, Thomas Frank, Pete Hamill, Gilbert Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez, Katrina vanden Heuvel, John Hodgman, Dennis Lehane, Philip Levine, Jaime Manrique, Terry McMillan, Joyce Carol Oates, Colson Whitehead, and James Wolcott, among others. Brooklyn Borough Hall and Plaza, 209 Joralemon St.,

Concert. Sunday, Sep 23. 6:00PM. Brooklyn Book Festival: Phillip Lopate. Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1, Granite Prospect. 1-718- 222-9939.
George Gershwin arr. Heifetz, Prelude no. 2
Lukas Foss, For Lenny (Variation on New York, New York)
Judd Greenstein, Be There
George Gershwin, Promenade
Aaron Copland, Three Moods, III. Jazzy
John Corigliano, Sonata for Violin and Piano, Mvt. 1
Aaron Copland, Violin Sonata, II. Lento
Timothy Andres, At the River
The National arr. Conrad Winslow, Fake Empire
Brooklyn-born author Phillip Lopate joins Brooklyn Philharmonic Concertmaster Deborah Buck (violin) and Molly Morkoski (piano) for a concert that explores the Borough's development over the past 200 years, from a bedroom community to a major city of its own. Music will include repertoire by great Brooklyn composers such as Gershwin and Copland (who was born and raised in Prospect Heights), as well as composers living in the Borough today.

Sunday, Sep 23
Alumna Recital - Crystal Medina, clarinet
New School, Mannes College of Music
150 W. 85th St., bet. Columbus & Amsterdam Aves.
1-212-580-0210 x4817


11:15AM to 4:45PM
Free; reservations can be made up to 90 days in advance 
Federal Reserve Bank Tour
Federal Reserve Bank
33 Liberty St., between Nassau & William sts.
Learn about central banking functions that Federal Reserve System performs and see Bank's vault of international monetary gold on bedrock of Manhattan Island, five stories below street level. Learn why Federal Reserve has "Federal" in its name, while it's a private bank, not Federal at all. Congressman Ron Paul considers the Federal Reserve "both corrupt and unconstitutional"
Tour times: 11:15 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:15 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:15 p.m., and 4:00 p.m.

Yuka Aikawa, Jazz Pianist
Bryant Park, Upper Terrace
, Sixth Ave. & 42nd St.
Pianist and composer Yuka Aikawa began playing piano at the age of five in her native country, Japan. She studied at the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College, where she received her M.A. in jazz performance under the guidance of Sir Roland Hanna and Jimmy Heath. During this time, she received the prestigious Michael Feinstein Award for "Outstanding Talent." (photo: Yukio Yanagi)

Los Mas Valientes, Cutting-Edge Latin Jazz Band
Webster Library
1465 York Ave.
Formed in 1995 by Jessica Valiente, Anna Milat-Meyer and Yasuyo Kimura, the group brings together some of today’s finest Latin musicians. Collectively, the band’s resume reads like a who’s-who of New York’s jazz and Latin music scene. Its members have played with Chico O’Farrill, Louis Bauzó, Charlie Persip, Max Roach, Orlando Marín, The Nelson Riddle Orchestra, the Kit McClure Band, Jimmy Bosch, Grammy-nominated Juan Carlos Formell, and the list goes on.

6:00PM to 9:00PM
Park Square Dance
Bryant Park, Fountain Terrace
, Sixth Ave. & 42nd St.
Square dance hits the big city. Do-si-do and promenade at a dance party like no other, with a whole lot of country food, music, and fun to midtown.
- Live Appalachian music
- Follow the calls of Dave Harvey from NYC Barn Dance
- Down-home fixings and drinks by 'wichcraft
- Ticket giveaways from Southwest Airlines
Country festive attire welcomed. No experience or partner necessary. They'll pair ya up and teach ya the steps. All dances taught all night.

6:30PM to 9:00PM
Tribeca Meet & Greet
Dance New Amsterdam
280 Broadway, entrance at 58 Chambers St.
Start the autumn with a get-together celebrating Lower Manhattan neighbors and an ever-growing always changing community.
If you have never attended a Tribeca Meet and Greet, now’s the time. Exchange some ideas, do some networking and have a drink with the neighbors. Some people show up for the full evening, some just drop by to say hello. Frankly Wines has kindly provided some beverages; MaxDelivery will bring some nibblybits. The Downtown Express will raffle off an ad and T-shirts.

Free; reservations required 
The Art and Craft of Biography
CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Ave., Proshansky Auditorium
Reservations 1-212-817-8215
5th Annual Leon Levy Biography Lecture: Robert K. Massie, author of Catherine the Great and Nicholas and Alexandra, will speak on the art and craft of biography.

The Daedalus Quartet performs works by Mendelssohn and Dvorak
Advent/Broadway Church
2504 Broadway, @ 93rd St.
Mendelssohn Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 12
George Perle Quartet No. 8 Windows of Order (1988)
Dvorak Quartet No. 14 in A-flat Major, Op. 105
With: Min-Young Kim and Matilda Kaul, violins; Jessica Thompson, viola; Tom Kraines, cello
The “refined but passionate” Daedalus Quartet (New York Times) kicks off the ’12-’13 Music Mondays season with its “jet-propelled rockets of blistering virtuosity” (Washington Post). Don’t miss the quartet’s only New York appearance before their extensive tour of Germany later this fall, and hear why the Daedalus has become “one of the finest young groups to emerge in our current golden age of string quartets.” (New Yorker).

Free; tickets available starting 9/10 
Juilliard Baroque Ensemble performs Telemann's “Paris” Quartets
Juilliard School, Paul Hall
60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Broadway bet. 65th & 66th Sts.
One of the most prolific composers of all time, Telemann wrote his "Paris" Quartets in two installments, scored for an unusual instrumentation for the time, featuring elements of the French dance suite and soloistic highlights that showcase the unique nuances of each instrument.
With: Monica Huggett, violin; Sandra Miller, flute; Sarah Cunningham, viola da gamba; and Kenneth Weiss, harpsichord.

Dixieland Jazz with the Gotham Jazzmen
Library for the Performing Arts
40 Lincoln Center Plaza
The Gotham Jazzmen bring you all your old favorites and more.

Tumblr presents Suri's Burn Book and F*ck! I'm in My 20s
Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
126 Crosby St., @ Jersey St.
Tumblr party with free drinks with the authors.

Free; registration required starting 9/19 at 1pm 
Cell Phone Buying Guide 2: Smartphones
Mid-Manhattan Library
455 Fifth Ave., at 40th St.
Registration info 1-917-275-6975
This will be a Lecture/Demonstration. Phones aren’t just phones anymore. Learn about the latest cutting-edge smartphones, their various operating systems, the required data plans, and the many available applications (apps!) that can turn a good smartphone into a great one. Online registration begins Wednesday, September 19 at 1:00pm. This class takes place on the 4th floor from 10:30am - 12:30pm.

Dance Performance. 12:15PM. Free; RSVP required. Melinda Ring/Special Projects presents an open studio, Swing Space, 80 Broad St., 21st fl., @ S. William St. RSVP 1-212-219-9401.
Melinda Ring and performers Antonietta Vicario, Marilyn Maywald, Molly Lieber, Maggie Jones, and Talya Epstein, will introduce Forgetful Snow, a three-part work which will premiere at The Kitchen gallery space in 2014. The artists will share choreographic research, methods, and material developed during their current residency and a past residency at Mount Tremper Arts.

Wednesday, Sep 26
Twelve in 12 Music Mini-Festival Featuring Pulitzer Prize-Winning Composers
Trinity Church
, Broadway & Wall St.
John Adams, Son of Chamber Symphony
Henry Brant, Four Skeleton Pieces
Steve Reich, Daniel Variations
Ornette Coleman, Jazz TBD
Featuring NOVUS NY with conductor Julian Wachner performing 12 different works by the 12 recent Pulitzer Prize winners in Music Composition.

Yoga - Evening Salute to the Sun
Riverside Park
, The Plaza @ 66th St.
End your day with relaxing Hatha yoga in a beautiful sunset setting. Suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat.

9.27-30 - Get set for a long weekend of some of the finest burlesque entertainment at the 10th Annual NY Burlesque Festival. A Teaser Party begins at the Bell House in Brooklyn with Albert Cadabra on the 27th, 8pm; a Premiere Party at Brooklyn Bowl with Scotty the Blue Bunny on the 28th, 8pm; the Saturday Spectacular takes place at BB King’s with Murray Hill on the 29th, 7pm; culminating in the The Golden Pasties Awards, with Miss Astrid and a special appearance by legendary burlesque performer Tempest Storm, at The Highline Ballroom on the 30th, 8pm. 4-day VIP passes available. Visit for more info.

9.27-10.13 - The ninth annual Fall for Dance Festival, now expanded to 12 evenings, includes some of the most groundbreaking and breathtaking dance in the world today. With tickets to this year’s Festival, you can sample a diverse lineup of 20 companies and experience everything from hula to ballet, flamenco to tap. Fall for Dance presents an exciting mix of treasured favorites and undiscovered gems. New York City Center, W. 55th St. btw. Sixth & Seventh Aves., 212-581-1212;

Through 9.30 - The impassioned guitarists, vocalists, and dancers of Noche Flamenca, led by the fiery Soledad Barrio, perform flamenco the old-fashioned way. There’s no showbiz, no pretentious artiness; just the percussive power of soles—and souls—striking the floor. As their fervent audiences know, it works. Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Ave. (19th St.), 212-691-9740;

Click here for more events.
Theater Openings

Broadway - An Enemy of the People opens 9/27

Off-Broadway - Harper Regan begins previews 9/20

Exhibit Openings

9/21-2/21 - Nature and the American Vision: The Hudson River School at the New-York Historical Society

Read more at our Cultural Arts blog

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Birdwatching. 8:00AM. Birding Tour of the Park. Bryant Park, Sixth Ave. & 42nd St. 1-212-768-4242
Discover the varieties of birds that call the Park home during the migratory season with guided tours.

Concert. 1:00PM. Chanell Crichlow, Tuba Player. LMCC's LentSpace. , intersection of Canal St. & Sixth Ave. 1-212-219-9401.
Chanell Crichlow is a native New Yorker who spent most of her childhood on the island of Trinidad and Tobago. From a young age Crichlow was aware of the power of music and soon gravitated to the tuba as her first instrument. As a teenager, she attended both the Manhattan School of Music Prep and The Juilliard Schools’ Pre-college division. She founded the Sakura Brass Quintet in 2004 and in 2007 was selected to the National Orchestral Institute.

Performance. Thursday, Sep 27. 7:00PM. Savoire-Faire 2012: The 4th Annual Performance Series Featuring Women Artists. Soho20 Chelsea Gallery. 547 W. 27th St., Suite 301, bet. Tenth & Eleventh Aves. 1-212-367-8994/
With: The DIRT PALACE The Secret Rooms of the Dirt Palace, Olivia Horvath, Xander Marro, J.R. Uretsky and Pippi Zornoza.

Concert. 7:00PM. Sex Mob, Legendary Downtown Band. World Financial Center, 220 Vesey St., bet. West St. & North End Ave. 1-212-417-7000.
In celebration of the opening of The Sweet LIFE exhibition, the legendary downtown band Sex Mob takes on the music of the great Italian film composer Nino Rota, frequent collaborator of director Federico Fellini. Rota scored all of Fellini’s films from The White Sheik (1952) to The Orchestra Rehearsal (1979), and won the Academy Award in 1974 for the score to The Godfather.
Led by trumpeter and bandleader Steven Bernstein since 1995, Sex Mob is a rare group that has created its own sound, a completely unique language combined with the telepathy that musicians cultivate over years of playing together. Grounded in jazz but marked by a dazzling versatility, their repertoire can range from Nirvana to Prince, Bond to Basie, and everything in between.

Journey to the Stars with the Amateur Astronomers Association
Brooklyn Bridge Park
, Pier 1, Promenade
1-718- 222-9939
Join astronomers as they guide your eyes across the sky and the wonders of astronomy are revealed. Look for the Syfy telescopes.

Free; attendees are encouraged to bring non-perishable food donations 
The Orchestra of St. Luke’s performs works by Adams and Beethoven
DiMenna Center for Classical Music
450 W. 37th St., bet. Ninth & Tenth Aves.
ADAMS John's Book of Alleged Dances (selections)
BEETHOVEN Septet in E-flat Major, Op. 20
Violin: Krista Bennion Feeney, Naoko Tanaka
Viola: David Cerutti
Cello: Daire FitzGerald
Double Bass: John Feeney
Clarinet: Jon Manasse
Bassoon: Cynde Iverson
Horn: Stewart Rose

Concert. 7:30PM. Stevy Mahy, Singer-Songwriter. Lincoln Center, David Rubenstein Atrium, Broadway between 62nd and 63rd Streets. 1-212-875-5000.
Float away on the enchanting voice of Stevy Mahy whose lyrics flow seamlessly over rich acoustic melodies that envelop and warm the soul. Growing up in a musical household, she spent her time between her birthplace, Paris and Guadeloupe. Stevy's music is distinctly influenced by her global childhood. Singing in English, French, and Creole, her hushed tones and intimate style are complemented by the hints of Caribbean rhythm.

Meditation and Music: Music by Composers of Morningside Heights & West Harlem
Columbia University, Union Theological Seminary
3041 Broadway, bet. 120th & 122nd Sts.
Celebrated guitarist Oren Fader and the exciting new chamber ensemble Praxis (Vita Wallace and Aaron Packard, violins, Christa van Alstine, bass clarinet, and Michael McCurdy, percussion), will perform music ranging from the enigmatic to the ecstatic by Elizabeth Adams, Edward Green, and Anne Goldberg, including the premiere of The Figure Ground Party by Ms. Adams. The library combines soaring gothic windows and ceiling with warm, comfortable furnishings. Meditation will be led by Ishmael Wallace, of the Community of Mindfulness and the Order of Interbeing.

Concert. 8:00PM. Book-Launch Concert: Henry Cowell: A Man Made of Music
Juilliard School, Paul Hall, 60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Broadway bet. 65th & 66th Sts.
A book-launch concert, with performances by Joel Sachs, students, and colleagues, and commentary by Dr. Sachs.