The Joseph Brodsky Memorial Fellowship
Fund is pleased to announce their 2012 fellowships in poetry and the visual
arts. The fellowship in poetry has been awarded to Alexander Belyakov and the
fellowship in the visual arts has been awarded to Andrey Filippov. The
fellowships will enable Mr. Belyakov and Mr. Filippov to spend the fall of 2012
in Rome, studying classical and contemporary Italian culture, developing their
own projects, and conversing with artists and scholars from around the world.
The Brodsky Fund Fellowships were
created by friends of the poet after his death to allow Russian writers and
artists periods of work and study in Rome. It is funded by donations from
the poet's friends and readers; donations are most gratefully received.
The Brodsky Fund also sponsors
readings, salons, and other events to nourish to celebrate and study the
presence of Russian arts around the world!
Alexander Belyakov was born in 1962 and graduated from Yaroslavl University
Department of Mathematics in 1984. Belyakov worked as an software engineer,
journalist, editor and as a head of the regional administration press office.
He began publishing poems in 1988 and his first collection, Comfortlessness
Ark, appeared in 1992. Belyakov is now the author of five poetry collections
and numerous publications in major literary magazines in Russia, including
Znamya, Druzhba narodov, Vozdukh, and others. Belyakov also translates poetry
from English and his own poems have been translated into other languages, including
Andrey Filippov was born in 1959 in
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk, Russia, and graduated from the Moscow Art
Theater School. He helped establish Russian conceptual art in the 1980s and 90s
and, in 1987, became a member of Club of Avantgardists. In 2009, together with
Yuri Albert and Victor Skersis, he founded the art group Сupid. He has had
numerous solo exhibitions at galleries and museums in Moscow, including
the Stella Art Gallery, E.K. ArtBureau, Proekt Fabrika, and the Multimedia Art
Museum. He has also had solo exhibitions in Germany and Greece. His work has
been featured in group shows in Russia, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, and
France. Filippov lives and works in Moscow.
Joseph Brodsky was a Nobel Laureate in Literature and a distinguished poet
and essayist in his native Russia, as well as his second home in the West.
Shortly befor his death, in 1995, Joseph Brodsky conferred with the mayor of
Rome about creating a "Russian Academy in Rome," where Russian
artists and writers could revive the once vibrant Russian tradition of artistic
pilgrimage to Italy. The Fund was established in
1996, soon after Brodsky’s death, by a group of his friends dedicated realizing
his vision. In 2000, the Fund began sending poetry fellows to Rome and, in
2002, fellowships for visual artists were added. To date, the Fund has
supported fellowships for more than twenty poets and visual artists. It
partners with the American Academy in Rome, the University of Rome, and other
sympathetic institutions to give the fellows a rich and nourishing home in
The Joseph Brodsky Memorial
Fellowship Fund is a nonprofit organization
supported by individual donors and independent foundations. Support for the
fellowship in visual arts has been provided by the Trust for Mutual
Understanding. Established in 1984, the Trust supports cultural and
environmental exchanges conducted in partnership with institutions and
individuals in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe. The Fund also receives
support from the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, a private charity launched in
2004 by the businessman Mikhail Prokhorov. The Foundation’s priority is the
support and development of new cultural institutions and initiatives in Russia,
as well the promotion of Russian culture in the global intellectual community.
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